元CSRS-ESの会長であった Dr. Jose M Casamitjanaが急逝されました。
We have a very sad news to all of CSRS-AP members, that Dr. Jose M. Casamitjana died due to a bike accident on 5th May, 2017 in Puigcerda, Spain. Dr. Casamitjana was a wonderful colleague and friend of all of us who was dedicated to every activity of three CSRS societies. Especially, he continuously supported CSRS-AP in every aspect since its establishment from distant Barcelona, Spain. We would like to express our deep condolence to him and his family. Masatoshi Sumi, MD On behalf of the Board Members of CSRS-AP
We lost our great European friend. We had a heartbreaking news. Jose M. Casamitjana, a past President of CSRS-European section and our great friend, suddenly passed away due to a bike accident on 5th May, 2017 in Puigcerda, Spain. He was one of the core European section members, and had supported CSRS-AP strongly. He attended AP meetings several times, and gave us insightful and thoughtful advice as a sister society member, an active spine surgeon, and a kind friend. We all miss him very much and would like to offer our deep sympathy to him and his family. May his soul rest in piece. from his “Rugby friend”, Takachika Shimizu
頚椎医療に関する正しい情報の発信と会員相互の交流のためにこのホームページを立ち上げました。どうぞ有効にご活用下さい。 (2014.10.22)
特定非営利活動法人 国際頚椎学会日本機構 (CSRS-J)
事務局代表 三原久範